Friday, May 1, 2015


On Friday morning, the campers met one more time as a team to prepare for Graduation.

 The teams then assembled underneath the Pathfinder for the graduation ceremony.

 Team Atlas was brought onto the stage and each camper was presented with a Space Camp diploma.

Team Atlas was called to the stage two more times.

First, to receive an award for the best Mission Patch Design.

Secondly, to receive  the Outstanding Team Award.

Astronaut Training Simulators

MMU -  Manned Maneuvering Unit.  Used by astronauts to perform untethered EVA spacewalks at a distance from the shuttle.

1/6 Gravity Chair - Simulates the feeling of walking on the moon.

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5DF - 5 Degrees of Freedom Chair - was used on earth by astronauts to practice moving in a frictionless environment.  

This trainer allows campers to move in five different directions.

Forward and Backward

Side to Side

roll - rotation around the front-to-back axis

yaw - rotation around a vertical axis

pitch - rotation around the side-to-side axis